
Summer 2024 fixtures list

DateEventVenueAge Group
AprilSaturday 27thMiddx YALFinsbury ParkU11/U13/U15/U17
Sunday 28thYDL - UAGEtonU20 U17
MaySat/Sun 11/12thCounty ChampsLee ValleySen, V
Monday 13thVets L.Lee ValleyV
Saturday 18thSALEtonS U20 U17
Sunday 19thMiddx YALPerivaleU11/U13/U15/U17
Sunday 26thYDL - UAGHemel HempsteadU20 U17
JuneSaturday 1stNALEtonS U20 U17**
Saturday 8thSchools County ChampsLee Valley
Sat/Sun 8/9thSEAA ChampsEtonS, U20
Monday 10thVets L.StevenageV
Saturday 15thSALChelmsfordS U20 U17
Sunday 16thMiddx YALHarrowU11/U13/U15/U17
Sat/Sun 29/30thUK ChampsManchesterS
Sunday 30thYDL - UAGStone-X HendonU20 U17
JulyMonday 1stVets L.HarrowV
Saturday 6thMiddx YALParliament HillU11/U13/U15/U17
Sunday 7th JulyNALWoodfordS U20 U17**
Fri/Sat 12/13thEnglish Schools ChampsBirmingham
Sunday 14thSALElthamS U20 U17
Fri/Sun 19/21st English Senior/U20 ChampsBirminghamS U20
26/28th British Masters DerbyV
August1st-11thOlympic GamesParis
Saturday 3rdNALBirmingham AlexanderS U20 U17**
Sat/Sun 10/11thSEAA U13/U15/17 ChampsWaltonU13, U15, U17
Saturday 17thSALDartfordS U20 U17
SeptemberMonday 2ndVets L.Lee ValleyV
Sunday 1stYDL National FinalManchesterU20, U17
TBCHAC Open Throws MeetingBannistersall
Saturday 14th National CC ChampsWeston Park, Shropshire


Age groups (always male and female exc Harrow AC Schools CC)

V veterans
S seniors
J juniors
17 under 17
15 under 15
13 under 13
11 under 11
18 16 14 12 10 under 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 school age groups
J and V only used when separate events otherwise senior races always include juniors and veterans

Which age group are you in?


u11 school year 5 & 6
u13 school year 7 & 8
u15 school year 9 & 10
u17 school year 11 & 12
Junior (DOB specific)


u13 school year 6 & 7
u15 school year 8 & 9
u17 school year 10 & 11
Junior (DOB specific)

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